Having Half A Tablespoon Of Olive Oil Daily Will Do THIS To Your Body

Did you know that Homer described Olive Oil as liquid gold in ancient Greek history? Recent research has proven that there might be a reason for this. Olive Oil has several characteristics that can do wonders for your health. It’s an ingredient that not only takes flavor to a new level, it also amps up your health. Plus the fact that it’s free of processed chemicals is just the start of its wonders. In today’s post, we will tell you these amazing benefits. From promoting heart health, avoiding diabetes, preventing cancer, skin issues, to giving you good hair and much more, keep reading till the end to find out all of them.

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Improves Circulation: The plant-based compounds in olives can increase nitric oxide production, improving vascular function by promoting blood flow to your tissues. That's beneficial for both short-term and long-term health, since better circulation enhances everything from sprints at the gym to overall risk of chronic disease. Some types of olives can also provide up to 25% of your iron needs, an important mineral that helps deliver oxygen to your organs.

Prevents gallstones: Recent studies have shown that moderate consumption of olive oil, about 2 tablespoons a day, may actually lower your chances of developing gallstones. An ingredient in olive oil evidently helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and the gallbladder. Large quantities of olive oil and lemon juice, as well as Epsom salts, are common ingredients in the gallbladder flushes supposedly intended to remove gallstones.

Improves Nail Health: Nails can say a lot about your health. If you look pale, doctors often check your nails. Dull, lifeless, brittle nails are a few problems we encounter. But did you know olive oil can actually improve nail health? If you are planning to flaunt that trendy nail art for your best friend’s wedding, you need to first start caring for your nails so they look healthy. The vitamin E in olive oil can improve the appearance of nails affected by an ailment. Take 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil and simply dip a cotton ball and dab it on your nails. You can leave it for about 30 minutes before washing it off.

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Improves Heart Health: In a study, 165 patients who were at high risk for heart disease went on a diet including olive oil. Those patients had decreased blood pressure, total cholesterol, low-density cholesterol, and triglycerides. Tomato sauce enriched with olive oil has a greater effect on heart risk factors than just raw tomato sauce. Olive oil enhances the cholesterol-lowering properties of high-density lipids and protects your cells from oxidative stress. In non-smoking women, olive oil has been shown to decrease blood nitric oxide as well as endothelin-1. This explains the effect of olive oil lowering blood pressure among hypertensive women. Olive oil also increases high-density lipid cholesterol. It also reduces the oxidative damage to lipids, decreases inflammation and improves tissue function.

Lowers Diabetes Risk: The Mediterranean diet uses olive oil as its main source of fat. Using this diet has been recommended to improve blood sugar control. By following this diet, there is a 20%-23% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In a study, 11 overweight and diabetic patients added olive oil to their diet, which significantly reduced fasting blood sugar. Daily consumption also improved metabolic control in overweight type 2 diabetes patients. A study that had older adults who were at risk of losing their eyesight due to diabetes, was put on a diet containing olive oil. They were less likely to lose their eyesight in comparison to those who did not increase their olive oil intake.

Helps Fight Cancer: According to a study, olives and olive oil contain antioxidants in abundance. They are some of the best high antioxidant foods, especially those that have not been subjected to high-heat processes. Both olives and olive oil contain substantial amounts of other compounds deemed to be anticancer agents like squalene and terpenoids as well as the peroxidation-resistant lipid oleic acid. Researchers feel that it’s probable that high olive and olive oil consumption in southern Europe represents an important contribution to the beneficial effects of cancer prevention and health in the Mediterranean diet.

Improves Skin Health: When it comes to beauty, most of us swear by natural ingredients. All we want is a glowing skin. No matter how many creams are on your shelf, for a quick fix, we always reach out for a fruit pulp or a vegetable juice extract. Olive oil contains vitamin E, which improves skin health by treating inflammation, acne, and protecting the skin from serious ailments like psoriasis and skin cancer. Mix 1/3 cup of yogurt, ¼ cup of honey, and 2 teaspoons of olive oil thoroughly till you get a thick solution. Apply this solution on your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water. You can follow this remedy once a week. Honey acts as a humectant while yogurt does the job of a gentle exfoliant, thereby enhancing skin health.

Gives You A Healthier Digestive Tract: The antioxidants and anti-inflammatories found in olive oil benefit the digestive system, as well. Increased olive oil consumption has been linked to lower rates of colon cancer and intestinal cancer. The polyphenols in olive oil also help to maintain a healthy balance in the digestive tract by slowing the growth of harmful bacteria which can cause ulcers and inflammation of the stomach lining.

Improves Brain Function: Regular use of olive oil has been shown to correlate with improved short-term visual memory and verbal fluency. Laboratory testing has also suggested a possible link between olive oil consumption and the ability of the brain to balance water content and central nervous system activity. Finally, olive oil may aid in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease by slowing the accumulation of brain plaque and boosting the production of beneficial protein enzymes in the brain. Though testing is not yet definitive on the matter, the fact that the Mediterranean region has one of the lowest rates of Alzheimer’s disease in the world seems to support this conclusion.

Lowers Risk of Depression: Higher rates of depression are linked to diets rich in trans-fats, as opposed to the monounsaturated fats found in olive oil. While olive oil isn’t the only vegetable-based oil to contain this kind of fat, it does contain the highest concentration. Studies suggest that olive oil may have a protective effect against the risk of depression, even when physical activity and general mental health are taken into account. In one study, those who consumed olive oil had a 48 percent lower risk of depression than those who regularly consumed trans-fats.

Improves Hair Care and Scalp Health: Olive oil is a wonderful natural product for proper hair care, health, and maintenance. Some of the hair benefits of olive oil include repairing damaged hair, reducing frizz, Detangling hair, and decreasing friction between hair strands. Applying a few tablespoons to your hair and scalp helps to reduce dandruff, fungus, and scalp dehydration that can prevent dandruff, dry, and flaky skin. All hair types absorb monounsaturated and saturated fat efficiently. That's why essential oils such as coconut oil and avocado oil are all used to treat dry hair. The healthy fatty acids and vitamins found in essential oils help penetrate your hair follicles, which locks moisture and protects the hair. Research shows that you can treat your hair simply by using an avocado and olive oil hair mask. First, mash the avocado in a bowl and then mix in a tablespoon of olive oil. When the avocado mix is ready, apply it to your hair working from the roots and upwards. Afterwards, you cover your hair with a shower cap and let it sit for 15 to 30 minutes. When the essential oils start to condition your hair. Rinse with warm water.

Has Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Eating olive oil has been shown to reduce chronic inflammation and relieve oxidative stress. Chronic inflammation is known to be the driver of many diseases, such as breast cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, and even obesity. Research also shows that olive oil is rich in antioxidants like oleic acid. These antioxidants have the added health benefit of reducing inflammation and inflammatory markers found in the bloodstream, C-reactive protein or CRP.

Helps Keep You Young: Olive oil is packed full of polyphenols, a type of antioxidant associated with anti-aging properties. Aging is an incredibly complex process that science doesn’t fully understand, but early studies have shown that polyphenols can help slow or reverse some signs of aging and age-related illnesses. That means that olive oil is a potential fountain of youth. It has been credited with reducing wrinkles and age spots, as well as slowing the cellular aging that leads to chronic illnesses later in life.

High-quality extra virgin olive oil that has been bottled recently, and that was bottled early in the olive season, has the highest levels of polyphenols.

Is Olive Oil a part of your daily cooking routine? What is your go-to Cooking Oil? Let us know in the comments section below!

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