Unraveling the 7 Types of Hunger & How to Beat Them

Do you ever eat out of boredom? Do you eat only because something looks good, and not because you're hungry? Do you eat when you're stressed? While you may be familiar with hunger, you’re not always aware of why you’re hungry or what you’re hungry for. Hunger is our body's way of expressing a need. It's critical to recognize the type of hunger you're experiencing and make smart eating decisions.

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In today’s post, we’ll talk about different types of hunger. Is nutritional hunger a thing? What about visual hunger? We’ll talk about all this AND more…


To understand what our bodies need, we first need to know the difference between the numerous types of hunger we experience. One of these food cravings is associated with socializing. We’ve all had a night out with friends where we stuff ourselves with things like chicken wings and mozzarella sticks. As fun as this is, you need to slow down. Research proves that what we eat and how much we have are influenced by social circumstances. People usually eat more in groups than when they’re alone. “Come on, I cooked this for you, why haven't you finished the pasta yet?" You frequently hear this when eating with your loved ones. Having lunch with your family and friends is a wonderful opportunity to bond and interact. However, it can lead to overeating, since you may end up eating as long as they do without even realizing you’re full. As uncomfortable as it is, you need to learn to say No. Your brain needs time to realize that you’re full, and eating more food will just get in the way of this. What’s the most you’ve had to eat during a social gathering? Sound off in the comment section, and start a conversation with our Bestie community...


The "Nutrient Deficit" idea claims that people who don't get enough of one specific nutrient are more likely to eat foods that contain them. If you pay attention, you'll realize that newborns know just when they want to eat. Even kids understand the sorts of food their bodies require when they’re low in salt or minerals. You may have seen children chew chalk from time to time. This has been linked to a zinc and iron shortage in their bodies. Rather than what you want to eat, cellular hunger is concerned with what your body requires. But as you get older, you receive different signals from your parents, friends and media. Eventually, you end up ignoring your body’s requirements. One of the most difficult forms of hunger to detect is Cellular Hunger. Your body is very effective at signaling these things, but if you are not practicing mindful eating, it’s easy to overlook. Pay attention to your body! It sends out signals in the form of cravings to get the minerals and nutrients it requires. It’s important to eat a well-balanced diet since ingredients like water, salt, and protein satisfy hunger. 

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How many times have you felt your stomach grumble, felt light-headed, or had a pounding headache? And how many times have you wanted a snack to help with this? It may surprise you to learn that this hunger pain is actually thirst. These two feelings walk a tight line, and knowing how to distinguish between them might help you stick to your diet! Some examples of thirst symptoms are dry skin, sluggishness, dry eyes, fast heart rate, headache, and dizziness. When it comes to hunger vs. thirst, symptoms overlap. This leads to confusion. When you get these sensations, pay attention to them and think about what you’ve had to eat or drink today. To avoid thirst, stay hydrated throughout the day. At the first sign of "Hunger," resist the urge to reach for whatever snack is around. Try drinking some water and wait for 15 minutes to see whether the pain is still around.

Before we move ahead, are you looking for a healthier snack? Here’s a POST you’ll like! Read and learn what eating berries every day for a week will do to your body.


I know this one sounds weird. I mean, after all, don’t all types of hunger involve the mouth? Just hear us out for a second… Did you know we can program our tongue to expect meals regularly? This happens if we do not genuinely experience the food we consume, and just end up eating too much too often. As a result, the mouth begins to anticipate a variety of textures and flavors. It usually occurs when you try a small amount of something, and find yourself wanting to eat more and more of it. The cheesier, crunchier, and more complex the flavor, the happier your tongue is. This is the recipe that various food corporations go for to make you addicted to their crispy products. You may eat to occupy your "Bored" mouth, whether consciously or unconsciously. Studies state that chewing is a good way to fulfill your mouth's appetite. You can start by assessing your oral hunger on a scale of 0 to 10. Then take a few bits of food and chew them at least fifteen or twenty times each. You take longer to enjoy the flavor of your meal when you chew it more.


We often want to eat something simply because it looks good. This type of hunger creates a mental image of the food's flavor and makes you want to devour it on sight. For instance, imagine you’re in a bakery, and see a photo of a beautiful cake slice. It's only natural that you start thinking about it. The more you think about it, the more you'll be tempted to buy a slice of cake. Research shows that looking at food images affects the levels of various appetite-related hormones. The sight of attractive food may be a trigger for the brain, especially the brain of a hungry person. Take a minute the next time you're in a scenario like this, and think about if you’re truly Hungry or just Tempted. Tell your mind not to absorb everything you set your eyes on. Now, if you're too tempted, go ahead and have a slice of cake. Instead of feeling guilty, treat yourself. Rather than shoving it into your mouth, focus on the wonderful aspects of the food. When you approach your eating experience this way rather than with guilt, you’re less likely to give into temptations. You might be wondering how this is even useful. When your mind is fixated on a certain meal that you see or smell, it's better to satisfy that want as it's the only way to divert your attention away from it.


Have you ever noticed how you crave easy meals when you're feeling sad and upset? Studies show that emotional eaters seek food several times a week to suppress and calm bad emotions. They may even feel guilty or ashamed after eating in this manner. This can contribute to a cycle of overeating and weight gain. Emotional eating is typically associated with feelings of depression. According to a study, workplace stress, money difficulties, health challenges, and relationship problems all contribute. It might be viewed as an attempt to fill an emotional gap. When you’re feeling down, you use food to self-medicate and control your mood. The hardest hunger to conquer is emotional eating. As a result, before you eat or drink anything, you need to assess how you’re feeling. Are you hungry, or are you attempting to calm yourself? Take your time eating when you feel sad. Only go for a little portion and eat slowly.


Research proves that you make more than 200 dietary decisions every day on average, yet you're only aware of a small portion of them. How do you know whether you're hungry? Is it because your stomach is grumbling? Well, this can be deceiving because the stomach never genuinely informs you when you’re hungry. Rather, you train the stomach to be hungry at a specific time. You need to eat when your body is hungry rather than when it’s "Time to Eat." A person's eating habits are influenced by a variety of things, including economic situations, cultural customs, and biology.

Listen to your body to understand the kind of hunger that you’re experiencing. All you have to do is record every single thing you eat and the time when you ate it. Note the type of hunger that you felt when you ate those items. Observe the patterns. See if you feel specific types of hunger during a particular time, in certain places. Practice mindful eating.

Here’s what else you need to know. Check out Common Foods to AVOID for Rapid Belly Fat Loss. Or Top 20 WEIGHT LOSS Superfoods You're Not Eating Enough Of! Go ahead, click one. Or better yet, watch both and learn how understanding your hunger and eating habits can improve your food consumption.

What’s the worst type of hunger you’ve felt? Let us know in the comments below!

The information I provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. You should never use content in my writing as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or another qualified clinician. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if indicated for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. I am not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information in this blog. Thank you.

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