9 Strange Arthritis Treatments That Actually Work


Arthritis is a disorder that causes pain and stiffness in the joints. In the United States, 23% of adults suffer from the disorder. That’s over 54 million people! While arthritis can be debilitating, there are treatments… Some are a little weirder than others. Let’s talk about 9 Strange Arthritis Treatments That May Actually Work.

Have you ever done Tai Chi? What’s your milk intake like these days? How do you feel about eating chili peppers? More importantly, how do you feel about leeches? We’re talking all that AND more…


Now I’m aware that spice isn’t everybody’s strong suit. It’s like everywhere you go now, you’re bombarded with it. But if you have arthritis, you may want to expand your palate. Chili peppers may in fact have a positive effect on arthritis. Peppers contain a special compound called Capsaicin. This is what supplies them with heat. As it turns out, capsaicin temporarily reduces a pain transmitter known as Substance P. Several studies have shown that people who use a cream containing capsaicin experience a 50% reduction in joint pain after 3 weeks of use. So the next time that daring friend of yours is passing around hot peppers at the barbeque, don’t be afraid to grab one. It may very well assist with the joint pains you’ve been feeling.


If hot peppers aren’t your thing, you may like leeches instead. I know, what does one have to do with the other? Nothing really. But leeches might be able to treat arthritis. Yes, those creepy little blood-suckers that always had you afraid of visiting the lake each summer. Believe it or not, leeches were used as a medical remedy for centuries. Throughout history, the creatures have been essential to the bloodletting process, being used to treat infection, skin disease, and dental affliction. They are now also known to increase blood flow and prevent clotting. Arthritis treatment may soon be added to that list.

Must Read: Expert Guide to OSTEOARTHRITIS & Its Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments

Have you heard of osteoarthritis before? This is the most common type. It’s a joint disease that primarily affects your hands, knees, and hips. Out of the population of American adults with arthritis, osteoarthritis affects 32 million of them. In a study from 2003, researchers focused on 51 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. As it turns out, placing up to six leeches on the knee eased pain better than the leading anti-inflammatory treatment. Don’t be rushing up to your local cabin just yet. Further research is still needed.

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This ancient Chinese martial art is practiced for both self-defense and medical purposes. Just recently, Tai Chi has been shown to have an especially good effect on arthritis. “But if I have arthritis, won’t it be difficult for me to practice martial arts?” Just follow along... 

A study from 2013 focused on arthritis patients who practiced Tai Chi. After 12 weeks, they reported less pain and stiffness in certain areas. As a result of this reduction, their physical abilities improved. Tai Chi has been shown to be particularly great with osteoarthritis. The martial art has a rich history of being used as physical therapy on the knees. So if you happen to be looking for a new exercise, Tai Chi is always an option. One that doesn’t involve blood-sucking leeches or spicy peppers. That is if your knees are up for the challenge.


Now hold on for a second! I’m not going to advise you to start picking fights with a bee. Much less a whole swarm. Bee stings help to treat arthritis. I’m not sure what to do with that information. But before you slather yourself with honey and go running into a hive, just take a deep breath and listen.

Over the years, experiments have been conducted to see if venom extracted from bees could work as a treatment for arthritis. A clinical trial is underway to see if injecting this venom into the joints of patients will reduce symptoms. There has also been research into whether or not this venom can properly treat rheumatoid arthritis. This is a condition where your joints become inflamed, resulting in severe pain. But much like the studies on leeches, further investigation is required.


Depending on where you live in the world, it may not be the right weather to bust out the flops just yet. But if you suffer from arthritis, this may help you deal with the pain. “Hey, it’s snowing outside! Do I already have arthritis? Now you want me to have frostbite as well?” I just said the weather may not be right. But, it’s your call. Research has found that wearing flip-flops puts less stress on your knees than regular shoes. This is due to the flatness of the footwear. I get it, you might be a little too “cool” to expose your feet in public. If you’re one of those people, at least wear shoes that are flat. This way, your feet feel stable, and don’t put any unwanted strain on your knees. If you do enjoy flip-flops, summer will be here sooner than you know. 


While some of you may enjoy chili peppers, ginger may be a passion for others. The spice is well known for its benefits in the medical arena. These include nausea relief, improved digestion, and reduced cancer risk. But were you aware that ginger can also relieve pain? Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties. If you’re experiencing pain in your joints, ginger can serve as a solid treatment. A study from 2001 followed patients who consumed ginger capsules twice a day for six months. By the end, subjects reported 40% less pain than those who consumed a placebo. If ginger capsules don’t seem all that appealing, there are plenty of great recipes you can eat ginger in. These include smoothies, chicken, and broccoli. Get creative.


This drink may not be your cup of-- You know what I mean. I’m more of a coffee person myself. But look on the bright side, similar to ginger, green tea works as a worthy combatant against several illnesses and health conditions. It’s considered by many to be the healthiest drink on the planet. Green tea is packed with antioxidants that reduce inflammation. This comes in handy when battling arthritis. If you’re experiencing hectic pain in your joints, a warm, relaxing cup may be the correct first move. Research has found that regular green tea consumption can preserve your cartilage and bones. This is extremely important if you have arthritis. If that’s not enough to have you sipping this soothing tea, green also assists to improve your brain function, reduce the risk of cancer and lose weight. So fire up that kettle and pour yourself a cup!


Have you ever had this herb? Native to Northern Africa and the Mediterranean, lavender works to improve sleep quality, reduce blood pressure, treat bad skin, and relieve pain. This pain includes arthritis. Experiments have shown that oil extracted from lavender can reduce joint pain when massaged on someone’s knee. So if you're unfamiliar with lavender and its wonderful effects, now would be a great time to get acquainted. It can really work wonders on your aching joints. Here’s another great treatment. One I’m betting you already know.


This drink can’t do much harm in the battle against arthritis. The increased consumption of milk has been shown to slow the progression of arthritis in women. Particularly arthritis in the knees. A study conducted in 2014 indicated that the more milk women consumed, the less narrowing was found in their knee joint space. If you’re a man, not to worry. Another study showed that drinking milk helps you as well. You just have to drink a little more. Over seven glasses a week apparently. So if you’re a big milk drinker and would like to give your joints a fighting chance, more milk consumption just might be your golden ticket.

Do you suffer from arthritis? Would you consider any of these treatments? Let us know in the comments below. We would love to hear from you!

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