5 Must-Do Morning Rituals For A Healthy & Productive Life


Do you love waking up to the smell of coffee? Me as well! I cannot imagine going about my day without having a cup of coffee in the morning. It’s an indispensable part of my morning routine. What’s yours?

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There’s no one-size-fits-all morning routine for everyone. But the gist is that whatever you do, it should promote wellness and set you up to have a great day ahead. From drinking warm lemon-infused water as soon as you wake up to listening to a motivational podcast, there are several things you can do to create the perfect morning routine. Wondering what some unmissable steps you should have as a part of your morning routine are? In today’s post, we are going to talk about the morning routine in detail. Stay tuned and read until the end.



At this point, it may seem cliché to tell you to have breakfast like a king. Yet we cannot emphasize enough its importance for your health. Whatever you do, don’t miss breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day, especially if you want to stay energetic all day long.

The first meal of your day has a significant impact on how the rest of your day goes. This is why it is non-negotiable to eat a nutritious, protein-rich breakfast to give your metabolism a good start. Another good thing about eating a healthy breakfast is that it helps you manage weight by reducing cravings between meals. You are a lot less likely to binge on high-calorie snacks before lunch. This means no more extra empty calories! So, what kind of nutrients should you look for in your breakfast? Of course, protein is a no-brainer. But what else? Well, try to eat foods that have healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, iron, and fiber. You don’t need to get obsessively involved in microplanning your breakfast. Just take care that you’re making healthier choices by eating whole foods that haven’t been over-processed. For instance, you can go for whole-grain toast with peanut butter spread. You can complement it with a blueberry smoothie containing protein powder. This simple breakfast will give you several necessary nutrients to thrive.

Don’t like the idea of eating peanut butter for breakfast? How about open avocado toast with egg whites? It is delicious and loaded with protein and healthy fats. That’s not all. Eating a healthy breakfast will also keep your heart healthy and regulate your blood sugar levels. You’ll find it easier to concentrate and perform better cognitively at your daily tasks. Looking for some more delicious breakfast ideas? Stay tuned and keep reading. We’ll discuss a few healthy breakfast options towards the end.


Not a morning person? Do you hate the idea of exercising first thing in the morning? You probably first need to sit up and stretch after waking naturally from a full night of refreshing sleep. Stretching after you wake up can help you feel energetic and ready to take on the day. Gulp some coffee and head straight to the gym. If you’re not a gym person, maybe go for a walk or jog. Yoga is also an excellent option. The gist is that you need to get active in the morning if you don’t want to go through your day slouching. While working out can be a hard task, doing it early in the morning gives you the satisfaction of getting one difficult task off your list. You can go about the rest of the day with a sense of satisfaction and renewed enthusiasm. Of course, it is not easy to wake up early and do your workout session. Even the most dedicated people don’t find it easy to wake up every day for their exercise routine. In that case, it is easier if you plan ahead. Lay out your workout clothes the night before. This way, you’ll have no excuse to skip exercising on the pretext of not finding your activewear. Presetting the coffee machine is also a great idea. There’s nothing better for a coffee lover than to wake up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. If you feel lightheaded while exercising on an empty stomach, have a pre-workout snack. We recommend a high-carbohydrate, moderate-protein, and low-fat snack. A banana, protein bars, and dried fruits are ready-made options you can fall back on. You can also prepare the snack the previous night and keep it ready for consumption. If none of this sounds good, you can always rely on boiled eggs.

Still, hate the idea of morning workouts? Well, you don’t have to do a full workout routine. Even a 20-minute brisk walk is better than doing nothing. You’ll enjoy the benefits for the rest of the day. Experts believe exercising or going for a walk daily helps build your self-discipline and is good for your mental and physical health. Looking to lose weight but can’t decide which workout is best for you? Read our post to learn the right type of exercise for you.


Drinking water and staying hydrated are absolutely necessary if you want to stay healthy. It is a common enough suggestion from doctors and dietitians alike. If you are one of those people who reach for soda every time they’re thirsty, you need to start calculating the calories you consume throughout the day. You’ll be surprised to see how the numbers keep rising with every glass of soda you drink. Fruit-infused water is a great option for those who find drinking plain water boring. There are several infuser water bottles on the market. Lemon, mint, and cucumber are some of the options you can try to add flavor to the water. You can also start tracking your water intake. There are apps to remind you to hydrate yourself every few hours. The best part is that when you drink enough water throughout the day, you will experience an increase in energy levels and productivity.

Need tips on keeping your body hydrated? How about drinking a glass of water right after you wake up? It not only makes sure you are really awake but also gets you going to do the rest of your morning routine. Since you have been sleeping for about 8 hours every night, you won’t be drinking any water during that time. As a result, your body is dehydrated. Drinking water right after waking up helps restore fluid balance and keeps you hydrated. You’ll also be doing your skin a huge favor, as drinking enough water keeps it hydrated. Your metabolism and gut health will be better as well.


Exercise in the morning is great for your physical health. But are you doing anything for your emotional and mental health? Meditation is one way to calm your mind. It may not be the most fun thing to do in the morning, but it certainly helps keep you grounded. Just 10 minutes of meditation in the wee hours of the morning every day would be an instant mood uplifter. You’ll be surprised to see its impact on your mental health. Meditation can help with managing stress levels. It also teaches you patience and makes you more self-aware. People vouch for the effectiveness of mindfulness-based therapy, such as meditation. Experiencing a sense of calm at the start of the day keeps you in a good frame of mind for the hard work ahead. It may sound boring to just sit quietly without doing or thinking anything. But those boring few minutes can do you a world of good. Don’t like meditating? We have another great option for you. Try journaling. Some people prefer journaling to meditation as their way of dealing with stress. In one study, participants were given a journaling exercise. The results showed a significant decrease in stress levels among the participants.

Journaling is a basic tool to help with stress. Writing down what’s bothering you and causing stress can help unburden you. It is especially helpful for people who are not comfortable sharing their feelings with others. Through journaling, you would be giving yourself a safe space to express yourself. When you name the emotions that you’re feeling, it takes away their mystery and their hold on you. It would also make it easier for you to accept them and deal with them. Journaling also helps you figure out your next steps in a given situation. When you write down your feelings, you can process the emotions and feel calmer. It clears your mind so that you can take the next step and see the full picture.


A few minutes ago, we mentioned stretching in the morning, immediately after you wake up. Let’s delve into it in a bit more detail. Stretching after you wake up does not look like a big deal. But you’ll be surprised to know how effective it is at relieving any tension or pain from sleeping the night before. It also helps increase your blood flow and prepares your body for the day ahead. People who workout or play sports can attest to the benefits of stretching. But even they tend to put stretching on the back burner. It may not be as fun as playing the sport itself or doing the workouts, but it's vital. Stretching adds to your body’s flexibility and helps maintain muscle strength while making sure you don’t suffer any injuries from strenuous physical activity. There is a widespread myth that stretching can be painful. If you endure pain while you’re doing your stretches, you might be going too far. Or else, it could be an injury that you are not aware of, in which case you should check with your doctor. You don’t have to hold your stretch for too long. You just have to do the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds at the most, and then move on to the next. There are also no right or wrong ways to do the stretches. There are many different types of stretching that you can choose from.

Are you wondering what some morning stretches are for you to try? Let me run them by you quickly.


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Cobra stretching is fun and easy. All you need to do is lie on your stomach first. Next, place your hands flat beneath your shoulders. Be sure to tuck your elbows in at your sides. Now, gently raise your head and chest while keeping your hips and lower half of your body on the bed. Are you comfortable? If yes, try going a little deeper by looking up and closing your teeth together. Remember to relax your neck and shoulders. Hold this position for about 10 seconds. When you’re ready, gently lower yourself back down. Repeat this stretch 7–10 times.


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Another easy stretch to relieve the tension in your back and abdomen! Ready to start? First, lie flat on your back. Now, bring one knee close to your chest and hold it in position with your arms or hands. Can you feel a nice stretch in your lower back? If it feels comfortable, you can also do this stretch by bringing both knees together at the same time. Hold this stretch for 25–30 seconds. And you’re done! 


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Do you feel stiffness in your lower back? Or on the slides of your upper body? Spinal twists can help you relax the muscles there. Without much ado, let’s begin. Lie straight on your back and raise one of your knees. Now, gently roll it over to the opposite side. For example, if you’ve raised your right knee, roll it to your left side. At no point during this stretch should your shoulders move away from the bed. If you are comfortable, stretch one arm out to the side. Keep it in line with your shoulders and slowly turn your head to face your outstretched arm. You will feel the stretch on the sides of your upper body and your lower back. Breathe deeply and hold for 15 to 20 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side.


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Do you spend the majority of your day working on your laptop? It could lead to stiffness in the neck or neck pain. Neck stretching is a great way to relieve tension and stiffness. To begin with, relax your shoulders and stand straight. Now, gently move your left ear towards your left shoulder. Use your left hand to gently tilt your head. Only stretch as far as it feels comfortable. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds and slowly repeat on the other side.


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Your shoulders go through a wide range of movements throughout the day. It is important to stretch them regularly to encourage flexibility and reduce any signs of pain or fatigue. Shoulder stretches also improve circulation in the shoulder joint and muscles. To begin this stretch, first, relax your shoulder blades back and down. Now, reach one arm across your body and gently use your other arm to deepen the stretch. Hold this position for 25 to 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.


As we promised you at the beginning of the post, we are going to share a few healthy breakfast ideas. These are quick to prepare and delicious to eat. Let’s get talking.


Lentils don’t sound like a typical breakfast item. But this protein-rich food can make a great base for a savory breakfast. It isn’t just easy to prepare and loaded with nutrients, like folate, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and potassium. You also get a generous amount of fiber. To prepare a lentil breakfast bowl, you’ll need brown or green lentils, kale, garlic, plain Greek yogurt, eggs, and parsley. It’s best made with olive oil. You’ll need salt and pepper for seasoning. Some people also use broth to cook lentils for extra flavor. Since lentils take a bit of time to cook, you can make them in advance and store them in the refrigerator. Make sure you store it in an airtight container and eat it within four days of preparation. To make lentils, add them to a saucepan along with water or broth. Bring to a boil and cover the saucepan. Reduce the flame and let it simmer for 15–20 minutes. Check if the lentils are soft. Once done, stir in olive oil, parsley, and a pinch of kosher salt. To prepare kale, you’ll need to thinly slice it first and mince fresh garlic. Heat a teaspoon of oil in a medium-sized skillet. Add garlic and kale. Keep stirring and letting them cook until the kale is wilted. All of this should take only a couple of minutes. Now, place the kale and lentils in a bowl. Top them with a generous amount of Greek yogurt. 

Next, fry an egg or two until the yolk has the consistency you desire. Slide the cooked egg on top of your lentil and kale bowl. Season it with salt and pepper to your liking. Bon appetit! Your delicious and nutritious breakfast is ready. If you are watching your weight, you can use just the egg whites and scramble them.


Oats need no introduction. They’re an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that boost your digestion and provide you with a burst of energy. Adding chia seeds to it doubles up nutrition, as they are a rich source of healthy fats, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Berries, on the other hand, bring with them powerful antioxidants to keep you healthy in the long run. To prepare this heart-healthy breakfast, you need rolled oats, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and almond milk. You’re free to choose any of your favorite fruits as a topping. I personally prefer blueberries because they are one of the highest sources of antioxidants. Sliced bananas and almonds are also excellent options. Don’t forget to top your oatmeal with a little bit of peanut butter for more taste, energy, and protein. The process is simple. Add rolled oats, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and almond milk to a jar. Close the lid and shake the jar to mix the ingredients well. Refrigerate the covered jar for a few hours or overnight. When you are ready to eat in the morning, give the oats a good stir and top them with blueberries and peanut butter. If you have a sweet tooth, you can also add honey. You can prepare these overnight oat jars well in advance and keep them in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. But they do taste best when eaten within two days of preparation.


Need a healthy dose of protein in the morning but don’t like eating eggs? You can trust tofu to give you protein, calcium, and iron. Tofu scramble is the perfect alternative to scrambled eggs. You can adjust it to your taste by adding your favorite vegetables, herbs, and spices. It pairs well with whole-grain avocado toast for a nutritious and filling breakfast. To prepare a tofu scramble, you need block-firm tofu, nutritional yeast, salt, garlic powder, turmeric, and non-dairy milk. It’s best cooked in olive oil. Heat a little olive oil in a pan. Using a potato masher, mash the firm block of tofu right in the pan. Let it cook for 3–4 minutes until the water from the tofu has completely evaporated. Make sure you keep stirring in between to prevent the tofu from sticking to the pan. Next, add a little (around a tablespoon) nutritional yeast along with garlic powder, turmeric, and salt. Cook and stir constantly for about five minutes. Now, pour non-dairy milk into the pan and stir to mix. Switch off the flame. Your tofu scramble is ready to eat!

Need more breakfast ideas? Wondering what you can eat if you have diabetes or are looking to lose weight? Let’s keep the conversation going with a couple more breakfast-related posts. Shall we? Read: 10 Best Breakfast Foods For Diabetics. You can also try our post on 8 Best Dinner Foods To Help You Lose Weight Naturally Go ahead, click one. Or better yet, read both and learn more about healthy breakfast habits.

Does your morning routine have any of these five things? Let us know in the comments below!

The information I provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. You should never use content in my writing as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or another qualified clinician. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if indicated for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. I am not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information in this blog. Thank you.

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