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Steve Jobs |
Hello Friends, you must be aware how successful and rich Apple company is In fact Apple is one of the richest company whose Revenue was $215 BILLION Last year and it's huge credit goes to Late Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was one of the most influential and Inspiring person. we can learn a lot from Steve jobs interesting life and can follow it to make our lives successful. Hence today I will share 7 important lessons from his biography. I believe that these lessons are the actual reason why Steve jobs has become so successful and which made him achieve such revolutionary results, and even you can apply them in your life and can become successful and can achieve great results.
So let's Begin...
Steve jobs childhood was different from normal children , he had two parents Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah John Jandali was a graduate students and they were in love with each other. when Joanne went to Syria to Live with Abdulfattah, after some time she came to know that she is Pregnant after this news Joanne (who belongs to Strict Christian family, and ) family strictly said No For Marrying Abdulfatteh(who belongs to muslim family) and even Joanne and Abdulfattah wasn't ready for marriage hence they gave their child for Adoption while giving for adoption, there was a wish by both Joanne and Abdulfattah that educated couple should adopt their child but The couple who adopted that child were Clara who was an accountant and Paul jobs who was a mechanic and guard, they were not very educated after lot of discussion and argument and after making them sign papers that yes they will educate the child they finally become the parents of that child, and name that child STEVEN PAUL JOBS. When Steve was around 5 or 6 year old at that time, a girl who used to be his neighbour taunt him and said That You( Steve) are an Adopted child Listening to her, Steve went to her parents crying and asked them the truth, Steve Parents accepted that fact and said YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL AND WE HAVE CHOSE YOU TO BE OUR SON, REALLY YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL. Steve Parents kept on saying him that he is very special and this was the time from when Steve started feeling and believing that yes he is very special. while listening to his biography, I noticed so many incidents where Steve actually believed that he is special compare to others, and seriously this is one the reason for him achieving so many great things in his life. Many people consider themselves very normal, hence they think of achieving normal things in life but many a time its important to think and consider ourselves special because such believe will give us confident in order to do great things in life hence even you consider yourself Special but Yes Be logical.
Steve Father with whom he grew was a great mechanic. Steve father used to spent lot of time in his garage while creating things he used to make whatever he wants to make such as cabinet, fanes cars etc Steve used to spent most of his time with his father inside the Garage. His dad has created a work bench for Steve , where he can create what he like from here Steve jobs curiosity related to creating something started, he got curious about knowing how things are created or made he learned lot many things from his father, but one lesson which he always remembered and followed that lesson was A REAL CREATOR SHOULD NOT JUST FOCUS OUTSIDE BUT HE SHOULD FOCUS ON INSIDE TOO. Whenever Steve father used to create fence or Cabinet at that time he used to tell Steve that should also focus and work hard on the sides which aren't visible, Similarly, Steve father used to show him car details, he used to show him every small detail therefore people say that this is the reason why Steve became perfectionist related to designs and details. Once when Steve was working on his Mac Product at that time he went to people who were designing Circuit Board he went to them and shout at them and asked them, Why Circuit board is Not designed beautifully why details aren't great? listening to Steve, Designer said, what's big deal, no one will open and see the designing of circuit board To which Steve Replied just like his Father Just Because Cabinet one side is hidden, doesn't mean that the worker will put bad wood on its backside No, We should make our product Beautiful and best by all means, from inside and outside both ways such thinking was the reason why Apple products became so beautiful and Attractive and world went crazy for apple products. Many people focus on things which are visible, whether its their product or character but if you want to be great then you must focus on inside and outside both and has to become the best.
Since starting Steve was the kind of person who used to get inspired by people and Mentors he used to get inspired so much that he used to do and behave exactly like them Example, When Steve used to stay in Mountain view, there most of the houses were built by JOSEPH EICHLER. He used to built Inexpensive, smart and Beautiful houses with a Moto that Everyone Deserves Better Home, Many people says that because of that inspiration. Steve got an idea of creating Beautiful Advance Computers so that even maximum people can use it Now if you are thinking, that Apple doesn't create products which can be used by normal people. Well when Apple was Starting its LISA Project That Computer was Designed for High Class and business class people and was very Expensive But Steve wasn't happy with it, he wasn't ready for that That's the Reason He was Removed from the LISA PROJECT( LISA Was his Daughter name) He wanted to Create Cheap and better performance LISA computers, Which can be used by Maximum people, And Even Did That By creating Mac intosh. He was inspired lot of times and that inspiration become the key for his success Not only his professional life but his personality was too inspired by Robert Friedland Robert was a very charming person who used to Do LSD At very young age Steve Considered him as his Mentor, which proved to be a wrong decision But Steve Improved his Personality and communication by being with him which proved to be very beneficial for him. Similarly, even you should get inspired by good people and great mentors and from good deeds which help you to move forward in life while making you a better person.
Earlier in computers there used to be black screen where only green colour complicated codes were visible But Xerox Parc a company which became so successful in creating photocopy machines that even today people say Xerox instead of Photocopy That same company(xerox parc) Research Team has created first personal computer that computer has Graphical user interface in it, it had mouse, icons, windows and removable storage that computer had various Future industries ideas. When Steve jobs come to know about such invention at that time he gave an offer to Xerox Steve said To Xerox, that he will let them buy Apple 1 lack shares in just 1 million if they agree to show them their New inventions and also explain it to him some gold diggers in Xerox Company Find it a great deal, and it was a stupid deal for apple as per them and they accepted the offer, on contrary this proved to be a Revolutionary decision for Apple Because Steve made Xerox Parc Technology in much better way and used it in LISA AND MAC Intosh and Dominate the entire market In an Interview Steve Jobs said: That Expose yourself to best things humans have done and bring it in what you are doing if we use others best ideas then we will for sure get success that too very fast hence if you want to achieve something huge in life then be bold and Copy Great ideas But LEGALLY. and create something which is beneficial for all.
If you have seen Star Trek Movie, then you must be aware that there was a Planet where people can use their brain power create perfect world in others mind they can create a world which they want, some what like Virtual Reality People who have spend Time with Steve Jobs says that Steve used to live in Distorted Reality Means He was not very considerate about Facts and Figures and used to create reality as he wants, without accepting any other facts Many a times he used to do things in a very wrong extent example, Not accepting his daughter, Not accepting that he is going through Cancer But many a times he used to Create Unbelievable results. Example : Ones He told his employee to complete a project that too in short span of time because same thing was created by Xerox Parc Researchers that employee took it as a challenge and worked really hard, and finished that project in short span of time but later that employee came to know that the thing which he had created was not created by anyone forget about Xerox now its not necessary that Steve lied, because many a times he used to create realities by his own which even he used to considered to be true, even if it is not I know its quite creepy and weird but you can use it in your life too See we all have the capability to do lot of things, but we fail to believe that yes we can do it hence we fail to achieve hence by using this point logically you can make your life successful by improving your believe power.
As I already said before that Steve Father always Encouraged him to create things But it was not only about him, because at the age of 5 Steve started living in the place Mountain View which used to be considered as Silicon valley Revolutions heart He has Startup people, innovators, engineers, video game creators, computer creators, micro chip creators etc such electronic geeks were Steve's , even a NASA Research Centre was near to his place Now between these Creators there was Special Person Too Larry Lienge Larry Inspired Steve Jobs since his childhood. Larry used to work as a Radio Operator in HP Company he used to taught many electronic related stuff to Steve From him Steve learnt that even he can create any product if he truly wants to This thing gave lot of confidence to steve Because Steve stayed in such Rich Environment therefore steve mentality was creator mentality not consumer mentality which made him very successful see most of the people stays in the environment where they are asked to study and to take order and to become consumer but steve was grew in such an environment where he was given a creator mentality. Hence be with creators and innovators as much as possible because this will improve your success chances.
Steve used to think about future, he used to think whether the product will work in future or not when he come to know about computers, he saw future fill with computers so when he saw Xerox Parc Invention he was so happy because he again saw the future of computer which was filled with all these technologies Even Xerox didn't realise the potential of their Inventions, but Steve knew its importance therefore he put all his efforts in those inventions and dominate the market which Xerox Tried but Still FAILED Hence if you want to do Something huge like Steve Jobs Then you must understand the Future Potential, now if you are thinking How's that possible then for that you have to gain knowledge, you must stay up to date with technology see what technology is coming, what use it can have in future and the more you take knowledge the more you will know what will work in future and what will not and work in next big thing and become the Next Steve Jobs.
These were 7 lessons which I have shared from the book STEVE JOBS BY Walter Isaacson to be very true I have shared this knowledge just by listening 6 hours 30 minutes book actual audio book is of 25 hours which covers every detail and interesting topics as per me this is one of the best Biography which you must read or listen. You'll do like if you find these knowledge useful do comment and say in which mentor I should make book summary or case study share this blog with people who want to do something huge in life do subscribe and click the follow icon I will give such useful knowledge and book summaries every Saturday or Sunday and yes do click the follow icon, or else won't get the notifications and finally thanks for reading...